child care wayfinder

Visit Child Care Wayfinder

Child Care Wayfinder is your one-stop navigation network for starting and growing childcare programs in Minnesota. We offer personalized support and resources to help you succeed!

Our staff is here to help you succeed. Your Child Care Wayfinder Navigator can help you:

  • Assess your needs and offer customized support.
  • Apply for childcare license.
  • Find required training and professional development.
  • Access the many resources available through partner organizations.
  • Connect with a Parent Aware Quality Coach who will help you build a high-quality program.

Thinking about starting a family child care program or child care center? We can help guide you through the process.

We can connect you to resources to help increase enrollment, strengthen relationships with children and families, improve staff retention, and address educator burnout.

If you operate an existing child care program, you might want to open more locations, increase licensed capacity, or change license type. We can help you explore your options.

Michele Fredrickson

Outreach & Childcare Startup & Retention Coordinator

p: (218) 407-4388