Health, Nutrition, & Safety

Building the Future for Our Nation

Head Start and Early Head Start support each child’s growth and school readiness by providing high quality health, dental, nutrition and safety services that are developmentally and culturally appropriate.

Health Services Advisory Committee (HSAC)

The focus of the HSAC is to prevent health problems whenever possible by addressing the needs of the enrolled children. Families play a central role in the HSAC, as they bring their perspective about the availability and quality of local services as well as the gaps and barriers to care for low-income families. The HSAC plays an important role in ensuring that Head Start programs provide comprehensive, integrated, and effective health services to children and their families.

The HSAC brings together staff, families, and community members to address local health issues; establish and review health policies, procedures, and plans; and mobilize community resources. Possible community partners may include pediatricians, nurse practitioners, dentists, nutritionists, WIC Program, audiologists, optometrists, and other specialists.

We follow the Minnesota Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) Program. Each child must have a yearly well child checkup.

Insert EPSDT Schedule of well child checkups.

Children that enroll must have had:

  • Hemoglobin test with results at 12 & 24 months; if not must complete
  • Lead test with results at 24 months or later; if not must complete


We follow the MN immunization recommendations and requirements.
To enroll Early Childhood and Child Care Programs, children of age must receive one MMR, Varicella, and Hep A vaccine in able to begin or continue services.
Insert link “Are your Kids Ready” chart for determining which vaccines are required to enroll in early childhood.


Childhood dental cavities effect your child in many ways. Not only does it cause physical pain, it effects their learning ability, social and emotional well-being.

  • If you are having difficulty finding a dental provider, please call and we will assist you
  • Your child’s first dental exam should be at the age of one year and yearly thereafter, following the recommendation of your provider.
  • Dental form

Tooth brushing is the most effective in preventing cavities. Nutrition also plays a large part in health teeth.

  • Insert “Healthy Habits for Happy Smiles” Understanding why Baby Teeth are Important.
  • Insert “Healthy Habits for Happy Smiles” Brushing Your Child’s Teeth.

The initial height and weight of a child starting service should be on the well child check form. Heights and weights are done twice a year. This allows for tracking of BMI’s to support a child development with healthy nutrition.The program participates in USDA and MN State reimbursement program Child Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). This statement must be included anytime we reference CACFP: This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Monthly Menu (coming soon)

Special Diets
This form must be completed by a licensed physician, physician assistant, or an advanced practice registered nurse, such as a certified nurse practitioner. Updates to this form are required only when a participant’s needs change. Program must make reasonable substitutions to meals and/or snacks on a case-by-case basis for participants who are considered to have a disability that restricts their diet.

Milk Substitute
Parents/Guardians may provide a written request for lactose-reduced milk without a physician signature.

Feeding Infant
All infants under a year are fed on demand when they are hungry. Infants will be held while they drink a bottle at all times. Staff will work with parent/guardians as the child becomes developmentally ready for solid foods.

Breast Fed Babies are Welcome
Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for babies. Breastmilk is easy to digest and helps keep babies health by boosting their immune system. We encourage moms who are breastfeeding to come in and feed their babies or bring in breast milk if they prefer. Breast milk must be dated and have child’s name written on the bag.

Safety while at school

Classroom safety inspections are done three times a year. This is along with the yearly Leech Lake Child Care Service Licensing Inspections and the Environmental Health and Safety Inspection through the Health Division.